All around the world coworking spaces are beginning to pop up in malls. This may be a relatively new phenomenon, but it seems to be one that is here to stay. There are a lot of benefits to working at a coworking space hosted in mall. For one thing, taking a break from work to eat or go grocery shopping doesn’t even require leaving the building! Your daily errands can be quickly completed rain or shine if you’re working from the mall.
Being a member of a coworking space at the mall also makes it easy for clients to meet with you. Giving clients complicated directions to your office or finding an alternate location they’re more familiar with is a thing of the past. Finally, working daily from the mall can be an excellent boost to your social life. Whether you start to get the “regular customer” treatment at restaurants you frequent, or simply have a convenient place to meet friends after work, you’ll likely find yourself becoming more social after joining a mall-based coworking space.