A hovercraft, also known as an air-cushion vehicle or ACV, is an amphibious craft capable of travelling over land, water, mud, ice, and other surfaces. Hovercraft use blowers to produce a large volume of air below the hull, or air cushion, that is slightly above atmospheric pressure. Learn More
An inviting ambiance that serves sophisticated, yet unpretentious food besides beer styles from all corners of the sphere. Our widespread Beer, Wine, Liquor Menu here is an essential part that offers a unique drinking experience. Consider Hoverkraftt for your special events as well, as we understand real catering. So that one can feel the freshness in every recipe, and in every ingredient.
Gastropub is a great combination of “gastronomy” and “classical pub”. More than 30 types of beer, beer cocktails, the wide wine and whisky list, will be served along with delicious food.